Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala

Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala / Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala and its New Series (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis) contain a number of seminal geoscience-related papers, especially among literature pertaining to Swedish geology. All volumes of these publication series are available here.

Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala

Bulletin of the Geological Institution of the University of Upsala
Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala
Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala, New Series

Editors: Helge G. Backlund, Birger Bohlin, Erik Norin, Hjalmar Sjögren, Carl Wiman

Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala

Editors: Erik Norin, Hans Ramberg, Per Thorslund

Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala, New Series

Editors: Bengt Collini, Lars-König Königsson, Richard A. Reyment

Click on the links below to download publications (links open in a new tab/window).

Publications are ordered by volume and page numbers. The list can be searched for keywords using the built-in Find or Search function of the web browser (Ctrl+F on PC, Cmd+F on Mac).

Volume 1 (1892–1893)

Volume 2 (1894–1895)

Volume 3 (1896–1897)

Volume 4 (1898–1899)

Volume 5 (1900–1902)

Volume 6 (1903–1904)

Volume 7 (1906)

Volume 8 (1906–1907)

Volume 9 (1908–1909)

Volume 10 (1910–1911)

Volume 11 (1910–1912)

Volume 12 (1913–1914)

Volume 13 (1914–1916)

  • Wiman, Carl (1914): Über die Stegocephalen aus der Trias Spitzbergens [On the stegocephalians of theTriassic of Spitsbergen] (1–34)
  • Enquist, Fredrik (1915): Eine Theorie für die Ursache der Eiszeit und die geographischen Konsequenzen derselben [A theory for the cause of the Ice Age and its geographical consequences] (35–44)
  • Högbom, Arvid G. (1915): Zur Deutung der Scolithus-Sandsteine und "Pipe-Rocks" [To the interpretation of the Scolithus sandstones and "pipe rocks"] (45–60)
  • Sefve, Ivar (1915): Scelidotherium-Reste aus Ulloma, Bolivia [Scelidotherium remains from Ulloma, Bolovia] (61–92)
  • Samuelsson, Gunnar (1915): Über den Rückgang der Hazelgrenze und anderer pflanzengeographischer Grenzlinien in Skandinavien [On the recession of the hazel border and other plant-geographical boundaries in Scandinavia] (93–114)
  • Bæckström, Olof (1915): Petrographische Beschreibung einiger Basalte von Patagonien, Westantarktika und den Süd-Sandwich-Inseln [Petrographic description of some basalts from Patagonia, west Antarctica and the South Sandwich Islands] (115–182)
  • Tamm, Olof (1915): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Verwitterung in Podsolböden aus dem mittleren Norrland [Contributions to the knowledge of weathering in podzol soils in central Norrland] (183–204)
  • The Students' Association of Natural Science. Upsala. Geological Divison (205–207)
  • Wiman, Carl (1916): Neue Stegocephalenfunde aus dem Posidonomyaschiefer Spitzbergens [New stegocephalian findings from the Posidonomya shale of Spitsbergen] (209–222)
  • Wiman, Carl (1916): Ein Plesiosauruswirbel aus der Trias Spitzbergens [A plesiosaur vertebra from the Triassic of Spitsbergen] (223–226)
  • Andersson, Erik (1916): Beschreibung einiger Fischreste aus Madagaskar und Siam [Description of some fish remains from Madagascar and Siam] (227–232)
  • Frödin, Gustaf (1916): Einige Beobachtungen über den Oldengranit und die subcambrische Denudationsfläche innerhalb der kaledonischen Faltenzone in Jämtland [Some observations on the Olden granite and the sub-Cambrian denudation surface within the Caledonian folding zone in Jämtland] (233–286)
  • Wråk, Walter (1916): Sur quelques "Rasskars" (couloirs d'éboulis) dans les escarpements de vallées glaciaires en Norvège [On some "Rasskars" (scree gutters) in the escarpments of glacial valleys in Norway] 287–298)
  • Ahlmann, Hans W:son (1916): Mechanische Verwitterung und Abrasion an der Grundgebirgsküste des nordwestlichen Schonen [Mechanical weathering and abrasion on the bedrock coast of northwestern Skåne] (299–390)
  • Högbom, Arvid G. (1916): Zur Mechanik der Spaltenverwerfungen; eine Studie über mittelschwedische Verwerfungsbreccien [To the mechanics of normal faults; a study of central Swedish fault breccias] (391–408)
  • Geinitz, E. (1916): Zur Scolithus-Frage [To the Scolithus question] (409–410)
  • The Students' Association of Natural Science. Upsala. Geological Divison (411–416)

Volume 14 (1916–1917)

Volume 15 (1916)

To Professor A. G. Högbom on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of his birthday, January 11, 1917

  • Dedication, etc. (I–IV)
  • Hulth, J. Markus(1916): Bibliographia Högbomiana: A list of the writings of Prof. A. G. Högbom (V–XV)
  • Sundius, Nils (1916): Zur Kenntnis des Zusammenhangs zwischen den optischen Eigenschaften und der chemischen Konstitution der Skapolithe [To the knowledge of the connection between the optical properties and the chemical constitution of the scapolites] (1–12)
  • Andersson, Erik (1916): Über einige Trias-Fische aus der Cava Trefontane, Tessin [On some Triassic fish from the Cava Tre Fontane, Tessin] (13–34)
  • Nordenskjöld, Otto (1916): Studien über das Klima am Rande jetziger und ehemaliger Inlandeisgebiete [Studies of the climate on the edges of present and former inland ice areas] (35–46)
  • Geijer, Per (1916): On the intrusion mechanism of the Archean granites of central Sweden (47–60)
  • Zenzén, Nils (1916): Determinations of the power of refraction of a number of allanites (61–76)
  • Wiman, Carl (1916): Über das Kreidegebiet bei Båstad [On the Cretaceous area at Båstad] (77–90)
  • Quensel, Percy (1916): Zur Kenntnis der Mylonitbildung, erläutert an Material aus dem Kebnekaisegebiet [To the knowledge of mylonite formation, exemplified using material from the Kebnekaise area] (91–116)
  • Högbom, Ivar (1916): On the geological importance of forest fires (117–124)
  • Holmquist, Per J. (1916): Swedish Archaean structures and their meaning (125–148)
  • Frödin, Gustaf (1916): Über einige spätglaziale Kalbungsbuchten und fluvioglaziale Estuarien im mittleren Schweden [On some late glacial calving bays and fluvioglacial estuaries in central Sweden] (149–174)
  • Odén, Sven (1916): Studien über Tone. I. Allgemeine Einleitung zur Chemie und physikalischen Chemie der Tone [Studies on clays. I. General introduction to the chemistry and physical chemistry of clays] (175–194)
  • Högbom, Bertil (1916): Einige fluvioglaziale Erosionsrinnen im nördlichsten Schweden [Some fluvioglacial erosion channels in northernmost Sweden] (195–210)
  • Sahlbom, Naima (1916): Analysen von schwedischen Glaukoniten [Analyses of Swedish glauconites] (211–212)
  • Rosén, Seth (1916): Zur Frage des Vorhandenseins von dem Oboluskonglomerat entsprechenden Bildungen in Östergötland [To the question of the existence of formations corresponding to the Obolus conglomerate in Östergötland] (213–218)
  • von Post, Lennart (1916): Einige südschwedischen Quellmoore [Some southern Swedish peat bogs] (219–278)
  • Looström, Ragnar (1916): Die Unterlage der Elfdalgesteine im Kirchspiel Orsa [The base of the Elfdalen rocks in the parish of Orsa] (279–288)
  • Gavelin, Axel (1916): Über Högbomit [On högbomite] (289–316)
  • Sjögren, Hjalmar (1916): The chemical composition of tourmaline from Utö (317–324)

Volume 16 (1918–1919)

  • Quensel, Percy (1918): Über ein Vorkommen von Rhombenporphyren in dem präkambrischen Grundgebirge des Kebnekaisegebirges [On an occurrence of rhombic porphyries in the Precambrian basement of the Kebnekaise mountain range] (1–14)
  • Odén, Sven (1918): Automatisch registrierbare Methode zur mechanischen Bodenanalyse [Automatically registerable method for mechanical soil analysis] (15–64)
  • Stensiö, Erik A:son (1918): Zur Kenntnins der Devons und der Kulms an der Klaas Billenbay, Spitzbergen [To  the knowledge of the Devonian and the Carboniferous at the Klaas Billen Bay, Spitsbergen] (65–80)
  • Wiman, Carl (1918): Ein Archosaurier aus der Trias Spitzbergens [An archosaur from the Triassic of Svalbard] (81–86)
  • Wiman, Carl (1918): Über Gehirn und Sinnesorganen bei Tremataspis [On the brain and sensory organs of Tremataspis] (86–95)
  • Sundius, Nils (1918): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Skapolithe [Contribution to the knowledge of scapolite] (96–106)
  • Sundius, Nils (1918): Zur Frage von der Entstehung der Rhombenfeldspäte [To the question of the origin of rhombic feldspars] (107–114)
  • Stensiö, Erik A:son (1918): Notes on crossopterygian fish from the upper Devonian of Spitzbergen (115–124)
  • Odén, Sven (1919): Über die Vorbehandlung der Bodenproben zur mechanischen Analyse [About the pre-treatment of soil samples for mechanical analysis] (125–134)
  • Oden, Sven & Reuterskiöld, A. (1919): Zur Kenntnis des Ancylustons [To the knowledge of the Ancylus beds] (135–158)
  • Rosén, Seth (1919): Über einige neue Problematica in einen fossilführenden Kalkstein aus dem nordschwedischen Hochgebirge [On some new problematica in a fossil-bearing limestone from the northern Swedish high mountains] (159–168)
  • Högbom, Arvid G. (1919): Eine graphische Darstellung der spätquartären Niveauveränderungen Fennoskandias [A graphic representation of late Quaternary level changes in Fennoscandia] (169–180)
  • Hamberg, Axel (1919): Observations on the movement of lake ice in Lake Sommen 1918 and remarks on the geographical distribution of similar phenomena (181–194)
  • Sundelin, U. (1919): Über die spätquartäre Geschichte der Küstengegenden Östergötlands und Smålands [On the late Quaternary history of the coastal areas of Östergötland and Småland] (195–242)
  • Florin, Rudolf (1919): Eine Übersicht der fossilen Salvinia-Arten mit besonderer Berücksichtigung eines Fundes von Salvinia formosa Heer im Tertiär Japans [An overview of the fossil Salvinia species with special consideration of a find of Salvinia formosa Heer in the Tertiary of Japan] (243–260)
  • Ramström, Martin (1919): Der Piltdown-Fund [The Pildown find] (261–304)
  • Wiman, Carl (1919): Remarques sur le crétacé à Belemnitella mucronata dans la Scanie [Notes on the Cretaceous with Belemnitella mucronata in Scania] (305–316)
  • The Students Association of Natural Science. Upsala. Geological Section (317–321)

Volume 17 (1920–1925)

Volume 18 (1920–1922)

Volume 19 (1923–1925)

Volume 20 (1925–1927)

  • Wiman, Carl (1925): Über Pterodactylus Westmani und andere Flugsaurier [On Pterodactylus Westmani and other pterosaurs] (1–38)
  • Hägg, R. (1925): A new Tertiary fauna from Spitsbergen (39–56)
  • Samuelsson, C. (1926): Studien über die Wirkungen des winden in den kalten und gemässigen Erdteilen [Studies of the effects of the wind in the cold and temperate parts of the world] (57–230)
  • Zdansky, Otto (1926): Über die systematische Stellung von Xenotherium, Douglass [On the systematic position of Xenotherium, Douglass] (231–236)
  • Frödin, Gustaf (1926): Über einen neuen Fund von Halichoerus grypus im mittleren Schweden [On a finding of Halichoerus grypus in central Sweden] (237–242)
  • Högbom, Bertil (1926): Beobachtungen aus Nordschweden über den Frost als geologischer Faktor [Observations from northern Sweden on frost as a geological factor] (243–280)
  • The Students Association of Natural Science. Upsala. Geological Division (281–286)

Volume 21 (1927–1930)

Volume 22 (1927–1930)

  • Wiman, Erik (1927): Über den Gebirgsgrund der Umgebung von Upsala un über den rundimentären Kugelgranit bei Kåbogärde [On the bedrock around Upsala and on the rounded ball granite near Kåbogärde] (1–54)
  • Wiman, Erik (1927): Mineralogische Notizen 1: Über einen Glimmer von Derome (Halland). [Mineralogical notes 1: On a mica from Derome (Halland)] (55–58)
  • Nyström, Erik T. (1927): Some alkaline rocks of Shansi province, N. China (59–160)
  • Malmqvist, David (1927): Mineralogische Notizen 2: Über den Amphodelith und ähnliche umgewandelte Anorthite. [Mineralogical notes 2: On amphodelite and similar transformed anorthites] (161–182)
  • Wiman, Carl (1928):  Eine neue marine Reptilien-Ordnung aus der Trias Spitzbergens [A new marine reptile order from the Triassic of Spitsbergen] (183–196)
  • Krokström, Torsten (1928): Mineralogische Notizen 3: Über einen Muscovit von Orust [Mineralogical notes 3: On a muscovite from Orust] (197–212)
  • Krokström, Torsten (1929): Mineralogische Notizen 4: Über Olivin aus Olivin-"Bomben" in einem Basalte aus Schonen [Mineralogical notes 4: On olivine from olivine "bombs" from Scania] (213–216)
  • Wiman, Carl (1929): Notizen über Flugsaurier [Notes on pterosaurs] (217–222)
  • Malmqvist, David (1929): Studien innerhalb der Epidotgruppe mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die manganhältigen Glieder [Studies within the epidote group with special consideration of the manganese-containing members] (223–280)
  • Krokström, Torsten (1930): Mineralogische Notizen 5: Über Lichtbrechungsbestimmungen nach der Immersionsmethode in Dünnschliffen mit einer schief austretenden optischen Symmetriachse  [Mineralogical notes 5: On determination of light refraction using the immersion method in thin sections with an oblique optical axis of symmetry] (281–288)
  • Grip, Erland (1930): Mineralogische Notizen 6: Über einen Zoisit und sein Muttergestein aus dem Hochgebirge von Västerbotten [Mineralogical notes 6: On a zoisite and its host rock from the high mountains of Västerbotten] (289–298)
  • Thorslund, Per (1930): Über einige neue Trilobiten aus dem älteren Leptænakalk Dalekarliens [On some new trilobites from the older Leptæna limestone of Dalarna] (299–303)
  • The Students Association of Natural Science. Upsala. Geological Division (304–308)

Volume 23 (1930–1932)

  • Wiman, Erik (1930): Studies of some Archaean rock in the neighbourhood of Upsala, Sweden, and of their geological position (1–170)
  • Grip, Erland (1930): Mineralogische Notizen. 7. Ueber einen Enstatit aus dem Hochgebirge von Västerbotten [Mineralogical notes. 7. On an enstatite from the high mountains of Västerbotten] (171–174)
  • Öster, Johannes (1931): Glazialgeologische Beobachtungen in der Kirchspielen Järvsö und Färila in Hälsingland (Schweden) [Glacial-geological observations in the parishes of Järvsö and Färila in Hälsingland (Sweden)] (175–180)
  • Wiman, Carl (1931): Goniopholis kirtlandicus n. sp. aus der oberen Kreide in New Mexico [Goniopholis kirtlandicus n. sp. from the upper Cretaceous in New Mexico] (181–190)
  • Ingmar, Erik (1931): Ice-dammed lakes and the marine limit in the north of Västmanland and the south of Dalecarlia (191–202)
  • Ljungner, Erik (1931): Geologischen Aufnahmen in der Patagonischen Kordillera: Vorläufige Mitteilung über staatliche Arbeiten am See Nahuel Huapi in dem Argentinischen Nationalpark unter dem 41. Breitengrad [Geological surveys in the Patagonian Cordillera: Preliminary report on governmental work at Lake Nahuel Huapi in the Argentinian National Park at the 41st latitude] (204–242)
  • Krokström, Torsten (1932): The Breven dolerite dike: A petrogenetic study (243–330)
  • Ljungner, Erik (1932): Berichtungen und Nachträge zu meinen Arbeiten [Corrections and additions to my works] (331–332)
  • The Students' Association of Natural Science. Upsala. Geological Division (333–337)

Volume 24 (1932–1933)

Volume 25 (1934)

Volume 26 (1935–1937)

  • Malmqvist, David (1935): Zur Optik des Arsenkieses im sichtbaren Spektrum [To the optics of arsenopyrite in the visible spectrum] (1–26)
  • Larsson, Walter (1935): Vulkanische Asche vom Ausbruch des chilenischen Vulkans Quizapú [Volcanic ashes from the eruption of the Chilean volcano Quizapú] (27–52)
  • Wenk, Eduard (1936): Zur Genese der Bändergneisse von Ornö Huvud [To the genesis of the banded gneiss at Ornö Huvud] (53–89)
  • Friant, M. (1936): Recherches anatomiques sur le Castor Anderssoni Schl. et considérations sur l'évolution dentaire des Castoridés [Research on the anatomy of Castor Anderssoni Schl. and considerations on the dental evolution of Castoridae] (92–112)
  • Krokström, Torsten (1936): The Hällefors dolerite dike and some problems of basaltic rocks (113–263)
  • Krokström, Torsten (1937): On the association of granite and dolerite in igneous bodies (265–278)
  • Köhler, Hilding (1937): Studien über Nebelfrost und Schneebildung und über den Chlorgehalt des Nebelfrosts, des Schnees und des Seewassers im Halddegebiet [Studies on fog frost and snow formation and on the chlorine content of fog frost, snow and lake water in the Haldde area] (279–308)
  • Wiman, Carl (1937): Über eine in Leichenwachs umgewandelte Aal-Leiche aus der Ostsee 40 km. SO von Stockholm [On an eel corpse converted into corpse wax from the Baltic Sea 40 km SE of Stockholm] (310–322)
  • Zdansky, Otto (1937): Promephitis aus dem Ponticum von China [Promephitis from the Pontian of China] (323–330)
  • The Students' Association of Natural Science, Upsala. Geological Division (331–332)

Volume 27 (1937)

To Professor Carl Wiman, the devoted and indefatiguable palaeontologist

Volume 28 (1938–1941)

  • Palmgren, John (1938): Bernstein in der vulkanischen Asche der Moler-Formation Jütlands [Amber in the volcanic ash in the MoClay Formation in Jutland] (1–2)
  • Wiman, Carl (1938): Über die falschen Tektit aus Källna in Schonen [On the false tectite from Källna in Scania] (3–16)
  • Högbom, Arvid G. (1938): Die Atlantislitteratur unser Zeit. Betrachtungen eines Geologen [The Atlantis literature of our time. Reflections of a geologist] (17–78)
  • Bohlin, Birger (1939): Gazella (Protetraceros) gaudryi (Schlosser) and Gazella dorcadoides (Schlosser) (79–122)
  • Tryggvason, Tómas (1939): Über ein Tongestein aus Island [On a claystone from Island] (123–132)
  • Edinger, Tilly (1939): The brains of three Pontian Ovibovinae from China (133–140)
  • Wiman, Carl (1940): Über neue und einige alte Leichenwachsfunde [On new and some old corpse wax finds] (141–155)
  • Bohlin, Birger (1940): Food habit of the machaerodonts, with special regard to Smilodon (156–174)
  • Tryggvason, Tómas (1940): Zwei erratische Blöcke von der Küste Upplands [Two erratic blocks from the coast of Uppland] (175–190)
  • Larsson, Walter (1940): Petrology of interglacial volcanics from the Andes of northern Patagonia (191–405)
  • Bohlin, Birger (1941): Notes on the horns of the Merycodontini (407–414)
  • Lundegårdh, Per H. (1941): Bytownit aus Anorthosit von Bönskär im nördlichen Teil der Stockholmer Schären und seine Beziehungen zu verschiedenen Feldspatsbestimmungskurven [Bytownite from anorthosite from Bönskär in the northern part of the Stockholm archipelago and its relationship to various feldspar determination curves] (415–430)
  • The Students' Association of Natural Science, Upsala. Geological Division (431–434)

Volume 29 (1942)

Volume 30 (1941–1943)

  • Wiman, Carl (1941): A la mémoire de Arvid Gustaf Högbom [In memory of Arvid Gustaf Högbom] (1–56)
  • Bohlin, Birger (1941): The function of the malar processes in the Entelodonta (57–66)
  • Grip, Erland (1941): Die Tektonik und Stratigraphie der zentralen und östlichen Teile des Skelleftefeldes. Eine Übersicht [The tectonics and stratigraphy of the central and eastern part of the Skellefte field. An overview] (67–90)
  • Nilsson, Tage (1942): Sassenisaurus, a new genus of Eotriassic stegoceraphalians from Spitsbergen (91–102)
  • Krokström, Torsten (1942): Some notes on the differentiation problem (103–116)
  • Bohlin, Birger (1942): A revision of the fossil Lagomorpha in the Palaeontological Museum, Upsala (117–154)
  • Åhman, Erik (1943): Eine Pseudomorphose des Skapoliths von Malmberget [A pseudomorph of scapolite from Malmberget] (155–164)
  • Bohlin, Birger (1943): An occurrence of stromatholitic limestome at Hovenäset, Bohuslän (165–170)
  • Collini, Bengt (1943): Soil samples from the Nahuel Huapí region of northern Patagonia. With an appendix on diatoms from Lago Frey, by Astrid Cleve-Euler (171–226)
  • Nilsson, Tage (1943): Über einige postkraniale Skelettreste der triassichen Stegocephalen Spitzbergens [On some postcranial skeletal remains of Triassic stegocephalians from Spitzbergen] (227–272)
  • Tryggvason, Tómas (1943): Das Skjalbreið-Gebiet auf Island. Eine petrografische Studie [The Skjalbreið area in Iceland. A petrographical study (273–320)
  • The Students' Association of Natural Science, Upsala. Geological Division (321)

Volume 31 (1943–1946)

Volume 32 (1946–1948)

Volume 33 (1949)

Volume 34 (1949–1953)

Volume 35 (1953–1955)

Volume 36 (1955–1956)

Volume 37 (1956–1957)

Volume 38 (1958–1960)

Volume 39 (1960–1962)

  • Martinsson, Anders (1960): The origin of crumina in beyrichiid ostracodes (1–12)
  • Martinsson, Anders (1960): Two assemblages of polychaete jaws from the Silurian of Gotland (1–8)
  • Back, Folke G. (1960): On a dolomitic pseudo-conglomerate of probably ultrabasic origin from Dalovardo in the Caledonides of Västerbotten (1–11)
  • Koark, Hans J. (1960): Zum Gefügeverhalten des Nephelins in zwei Vorkommen alkaliner kristalliner Schiefer: "Grennait" von Norra Kärr und canaditischer Gneis von Almunge (Schweden) [To the behavior of the nephelines in two occurrences of alkaline crystalline slate: "Grennaite" from Norra Kärr and Canadian gneiss from Almunge (Sweden)] (1–31)
  • Gorbatschev, Roland (1960): On the alkali rocks of Almunge: A preliminary report on a new survey (1–69)
  • Strömberg, Arne G. B. (1961): On the tectonics of the Caledonides in the south-western part of the county of Jämtland, Sweden (1–92)
  • Strömberg, Arne G. B. (1961): Tectonic studies on a part of the southern Caledonides of Sweden (1–9)
  • Wiman, Erik (1961): Aspects of the pre-Cambrian geology of south-eastern Värmland, Sweden (1–68)
  • Gorbatschev, Roland (1962): The pre-Cambrian sandstone of the Gotska Sandön boring core (1–30)
  • Jaanusson, Valdar (1962): The lower and middle Viruan sequence in two borings in Östergötland, central Sweden (1–30)

Volume 40 (1961)

To Professor Erik Norin, in appreciation of his wide-spread activities as scientist, explorer, and teacher

  • Dedication, etc. (I–XIV)
  • Wærn, Bertil (1961): Bibliographia Noriniana: A list of Professor Erik Norin's writings 1921–1961 (XV–XX)
  • Pfannenstiel, Max (1961): Unbekannte Briefe von Sir Charles Lyell an Hermann von Meyer [Unknown letters from Sir Charles Lyell to Hermann von Meyer] [1–16)
  • Barth, Tom F. W. (1961): Garnet-sillimanite and garnet-spinel bands in the Layered Gabbro Series in Seiland, northern Norway (17–24)
  • von Eckerman, Harry (1961): The petrogenesis of the Alnö alkaline rocks (25–36)
  • Geijer, Per (1961): The manganese, iron and copper mineralization at Kesebol in Dalsland, southwestern Sweden (37–50)
  • Gorbatschev, Roland & Kint, Oole (1961): The Jotnian Mälar Sandstone of the Stockholm region, Sweden (51–68)
  • Hjelmqvist, Sven (1961): The relation between diabase, granite, and porphyry at Bullberget in Dalarna, central Sweden: A proof of magmatic granite formation (69–80)
  • Jónsson, Jón (1961): Some observations on the occurrence of sideromelane and palagonite (81–86)
  • Oftedahl, Christoffer (1961): On the genesis of the gabbroic rock bodies of the Norwegian Caledonides (87–94)
  • Malmqvist, David (1961): Der Meteoritenfall von Hökmark am 9. Juni 1954 [The Hökmark meteorite fall on June 9, 1954] (95–118)
  • Hedvall, J. Arvid (1961): Sur l'emploi des roches non métallifères dans la production technique [On the use of non-metalliferous rocks in technical production] (119–124)
  • Landergren, Sture (1961): The formation of iron ores in view of the oxidation state of the upper lithosphere (125–134)
  • Oftedal, Ivar (1961): Contribution to the geochemistry of tungsten (135–138)
  • Koark, Hans J. (1961): Zur Deformation des Venna-Konglomerates im Trondheim-Gebiete, Norwegen: Ein Beitrag zur Frage von Formungsrichtung und Streckungsorientierung an skandischen Konglomerattektoniten [On the deformation of the Venna conglomerate in the Trondheim area, Norway. A contribution to the question of the direction of formation and orientation of elongation in Scandinavian conglomerate tectonites] (139–162)
  • Kranck, E. H. (1961): An unusual type of deformation in a basic sill (163–168)
  • Wegmann, E. (1961): Anatomie comparée des hypothèses sur les plissements de couverture (le Jura plissé) [Comparative anatomy of the hypotheses on cover folds (the folded Jura)] (169–182)
  • Holtedahl, Olaf & Holtedahl, Hans (1961): On "marginal channels" along continental borders and the problem of their origin (183–188)
  • von Engelhardt, Wolf (1961): Zum Chemismus der Porenlösung der Sedimente [To the chemistry of the pore fluids of sediments] (189–204)
  • Norin, Rolf (1961): Über die Verteilung der Elektrolyte in einigen Stoßbohrungen im Röglagebiet, südlich von Jonstorp im südwestlischen Schonen [On the distribution of electrolytes in some percussion boreholes in the Rögla area, south of Jonstorp in southwestern Scania] (205–210)
  • Collini, Bengt & Wallner, Ole (1961): Ein Beispiel schneller Bausteinzerstörung in Uppsala, Schweden [An example of rapid building rock destruction in Uppsala, Sweden] (211–220)
  • Jaanusson, Valdar (1961): Discontinuity surfaces in limestones (221–241)
  • Åhman, Erik (1961): An example of deep weathering in the outlet tunnel of the Stornorrfors power plant in the river Umeälven (243–246)
  • Jasmund, K. & Riedel, D. (1961): Untersuchungen des tonigen Zwischenmittels im Hauptbuntsandstein der Nordeifel [Investigations of the argillaceous intercalations in the main Buntsandstin of the northern Eifel] (247–258)
  • Lindqvist, Bengt (1961): A pre-Cambrian metabentonite (?) of hydromuscovitic composition (259–264)
  • Rosenqvist, Ivar Th. (1961): What is the origin of the hydrous micas of Fennoscandia? (265–268)
  • Eriksson, K. Gösta (1961): Granulométrie des sédiments de l'île d'Alboran, Méditerranée occidentale [Granulometry of sediments from Alboran Island, western Mediterranean] (269–284)
  • Mellis, Otto (1961): Eine vereinfachte Methode zur schnellen Charakterisierung der granulometrischen Zusammensetzung von Sedimenten [A simplified method for rapid characterization of the granulometric composition of sediments] (285–298)
  • Olausson, Eric (1961): Remarks on Tertiary sequences of two cores from the Pacific (299–304)
  • Regnéll, Ulla (1961): On pyrite in deep-sea sediments (305–314)
  • Florin, Sten (1961): Djupvik, eine ostschwedische Fischersiedelung vom Ende der Steinzeit: Über Jäger- und Fischerwohnplätze aus mittelneolitischer Zeit in Södermanland [Djupvik, an east Swedish fishing settlement from the end of the Stone Age: On hunter and fisher dwellings from the middle Neolithic period in Södermanland] (315–364)
  • Martinsson, Anders (1961): Ein subfossiles Geweih vom Rothirsch , Cervus elaphus elaphus Linnaeus, von Mossberga auf Öland [A subfossil antler of red deer, Cervus elaphus elaphus Linnaeus, from Mossberga on Öland] (365–374)
  • Nilsson, Erik (1961): The Younger Dryas Age (375–384)
  • Ståhl, Eric (1961): Enlarged casts of fossils (385–388)
  • Skoglund, Roland (1961): Kinnegraptus, a new graptolite genus from the Lower Didymograptus Shale of Västergötland, central Sweden (389–401)
  • Metz, Karl (1961): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Entwicklung des persischen Paläozoikums [Contributions to the knowledge of the development of the Paleozoic of Persia] (403–412)
  • Regnéll, Gerhard (1961): Supplementary remarks on the Siluro-Devonian of Chöl-Tagh, eastern T'ien-Shan (413–428)
  • Schüller, Arno (1961): Shichangit, ein Epi-Metaleukophyr-Pyroxenit (Plagioklas-Hornblende-Jadeitit) als Randfazies ehemaliger leukophyrischer Gänge in Serpentin und Gabbro [Shichangite, an epi-metaleukophyre pyroxenite (plagioclase hornblende jadeite) as rim facies in former leukophyric veins in serpentine and gabbro] (429–454)
  • Nyström, Erik T. (1961): The Sino-Swedish Institute for Scientific Research in Shansi Province, N. China, and Erik Norin's first years in China (455–466)
  • Jarring, Gunnar (1961): Some notes on central Asian Turkic place names (467–478)
  • Montell, Gösta (1961): Sven Hedin's mapping in Asia (479–484)
  • Ambolt, Nils (1961): A short trip to central Asia (485–489)

Volume 41 (1962)

Volume 42 (1963)

  • Ramberg, Hans (1963): Experimental study of gravity tectonics by means of centrifuged models (1–97)
  • Martinsson, Anders (1963): Kloedenia and related ostracode genera in the Silurian and Devonian of the Baltic area and Britain (1–63)
  • Jaanusson, Valdar (1963): Lower and middle Viruan (Middle Ordovician) of the Siljan District (1–40)

  • Ramberg, Hans (1963): Strain distribution and geometry of folds (1–20)
  • Skoglund, Roland (1963): Uppermost Viruan and lower Harjuan (Ordovician) stratigraphy of Västergötland, and lower Harjuan graptolite faunas of central Sweden (1–55)
  • Skevington, David (1963): Graptolites from the Ontikan limestones (Ordovician) of Öland, Sweden. I: Dendroidea, Tuboidea, Camaroidea, and Stolonoidea (1–62)
  • Eriksson, K. Gösta & Olsson, Ingrid U. (1963): Some problems in connection with C14 dating of tests of Foraminifera (1–13)
  • Vogel, Andreas (1964): Über die Ausdehnung basischer Gesteinskomplexe bei Almunge und Penningby auf Grund  geophysikalischer Untersuchungen [On the extent of basic rock complexes near Almunge and Penningby based on geophysical investigations] (1–17)
  • Boucot, A. J. & Johnson, J. G. (1964): Brachiopods of the Ede Quartzite (lower Llandovery) of Norderön, Jämtland (1–11)

Volume 43 (1964–1966)

New Series 1 (1969)

New Series 2 (1970)

Symposium on biometrical methods in paleontology

New Series 3 (1971–1972)

New Series 4 (1973–1974)

New Series 5 (1973)

New Series 6 (1974–1976)

New Series 7 (1976–1978)

New Series 8 (1979–1980)

New Series 9 (1980–1983)

New Series 10 (1984–1985)

New Series 11 (1985)

New Series 12 (1985–1989)

New Series 13 (1987)

  • Aranki, Josef F. (1987): Marine lower Pliocene ostracoda of southern Spain with notes on the recent fauna (1–144)

New Series 14 (1988)

Geological kinematics and dynamics, in honour of the 70th birthday of Hans Ramberg


     Fabric studies

     Numerical model studies

     Material model studies

New Series 15 (1989)

New Series 16 (1990–1992)

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