This page contains literature sent in to PaleoArchive, and links to specific publications hosted elsewhere. The quality of the scans varies and this collection is not as rigorously maintained as PaleoArchive Originals. Click on the links below to retrieve publications (links open in a new tab/window).
Publications are ordered after the surname of the first author, followed by year. The list can be searched for keywords using the built-in Find or Search function of the web browser (Ctrl+F on PC, Cmd+F on Mac).
Andersson, F., 1900: Klondikeguldfältet och guldproduktionen i angränsande delar av Nordamerika [The Klondike gold field and the gold production in neighboring areas of North America]. Teknisk Tidskrift, ?–?.
Bergström, J., 1989: Incipient earth science in the Old Norse mythology. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 111, 187–191.
Brood, K., 1983: Tors viggar [Thor’s bolts]. Fauna och flora 78, 123–128.
Brood, K., 1989: Bluff och verklighet inom paleontologin [Bluff and reality in paleontology]. Fauna och flora 84, 170–177.
Brøgger, W.C., 1878. Om paradoxidesskifrene ved Krekling [On the Paradoxides slates at Krekling]. Nyt Magazin Naturvidenskaberne 24, 18–88.
Brögger, W.C., 1882: Die silurischen Etagen 2 und 3 im Kristianiagebiet und auf Eker, ihre Gliederung, Fossilien, Schichtenstörungen und Contactmetamorphosen [The Silurian stages 2 and 3 in the Kristiania area and at Eker, their formation, fossils, layer disturbances and contact metamorphoses]. A.W. Brögger, Kristiania. 445 pp.
Bölau, E., 1965: Der tertiäre Vulkanismus in Zentralschonen, Südschweden [Tertiary volcanism in central Scania, Sweden]. Acta Universitatis Lundensis, Sectio II, 30, 1–60.
Carserud, L., 1992: Geologiska sevärdheter i Skåne [Geologic attractions in Skåne]. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning, Lund. 77 pp.
Carserud, L., 1994: Geologiska sevärdheter i Skåne II [Geologic attractions in Skåne II]. Geode, Lund. 80 pp.
Fürst, C.M., 1929: Några notiser om namnet "Fläskgraven" och användningen av fläsk vid bergssprängning [Some notes on the name "the Pork pit" and the use of pork for rock blasting]. Fornvännen 24, 309–311.
Gilbert, G.K., 1895: Niagara Falls and their history. National Geographic Monographs 7, 203–236.
Grahn, Y., 1981: Ordovician Chitinozoa from the Stora Åsbotorp boring in Västergötland, south-central Sweden. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C 787, 1–40.
Hadding, A., 1913: Undre Dicellograptusskiffern i Skåne jämte några därmed ekvivalenta bildningar [The lower Didymograptus Shale in Skåne and some therewith equivalent formations]. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift, Ny Följd, Afdelning 2, 9:15, 1–90.
Hadding, A., 1915: Der mittlere Dicellograptus-Schiefer auf Bornholm [The middle Dicellograptus Shale in Bornholm]. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift, Ny Följd, Afdelning 2, 11:4, 1–40.
Hadding, A., 1929: The first rains and their geological significance. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 51, 19–29.
Henningsmoen, G., 1957: The trilobite family Olenidae, with description of Norwegian material and remarks on the Olenid and Tremadocian series. Skrifter utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo. I. Matematisk-Naturvidenskaplige Klasse 1957:1, 1–303.
Huene, F. von, 1925: Eine neue Rekonstruktion von Compsognathus. Zentralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie. 1925, 157–160.
Lindbom, S., 1983: Sägnerna om Brattingsborgspenningarna [The legends about the Brattingsborg coins]. Fauna och flora 78, 59–64.
Lundgren, B., 1885: Undersökningar öfver brachiopoderna i Sveriges kritsystem [Studies on the brachiopods in Sweden’s Cretaceous system]. Lunds Universitets Årsskrift 20, 1–69.
Mägi, S., Viira, V. & Aru, H., 1989: On the correlation of the Tremadocian and Arenigian boundary beds in the East Baltic. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, Geology, 63–67.
Nilsson, R., 1979: A boring through the Ordovician–Silurian boundary in western Scania, South Sweden. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C 766, 1–18.
Norin, R., 1934: Zur Geologie der südschwedischen Basalte [On the geology of the southern Swedish basalts]. Meddelanden från Lunds Geologisk-Mineralogiska Institution 57, 1–174.
Poulsen, V., 1963: Ctenopyge (Ctenopyge) pecten tenuis n. subsp. from the upper Cambrian of Bornholm. Biologiske Meddelelser utgivet af Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab 23:13, 1–9.
Roberts, D., 1984: Petrochemistry and palaeogeographic setting of the Ordovician volcanic rocks of Smøla, central Norway. Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse 359, 43–60.
Sergeyeva, S.P., 1962: Stratigraphic dispersion of conodonts in the Lower Ordovician of the Leningrad province. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 146, 1393–1395.
Simpson, G.G., 1937: The Fort Union of the Crazy Mountain Field, Montana, and its mammalian faunas. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 169, 1–287.
Thorslund, P., 1933: Bidrag till kännedomen om kambrium och ceratopygeregionen inom Storsjöområdet i Jämtland [Contributions to the knowledge about the Cambrian and the Ceratopyge Region in the Storsjö area in Jämtland]. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C 378, 1–11.
Thorslund, P., 1936: Siljansområdets brännkalkstenar och kalkindustri [The Siljan area's burning limestones and lime industry]. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C 398, 1–64.
Thorslund, P., 1943: Gränsen ordovicium–silur inom Storsjöområdet i Jämtland [The Ordovician–Silurian boundary in the Storsjö area in Jämtland]. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C 455, 1–19.
Thorslund, P., 1949. Notes on Kootenia sp. n. and associated Paradoxides species from the lower Middle Cambrian of Jemtland, Sweden. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C 510, 1–7.
Tullberg, S.A., 1882: The graptolites described by Hisinger and the older Swedish authors. Bihang till Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 6:13, 1–22.
Wallerius, I.D., 1895: Undersökningar öfver zonen med Agnostus lævigatus i Vestergötland, jämte en inledande öfversikt af Vestergötlands samtliga Paradoxideslager [Investigations of the zone with Agnostus lævigatus in Vestergötland, together with an initial overview of Vestergötland’s entire Paradoxides beds]. Akademisk afhandling, Lunds universitet. Gleerupska Universitets-bokhandeln, Lund. 72 pp.
Westergård, A.H., 1942: Stratigraphic results of the borings through the Alum shales of Scania made in 1941–1942. Meddelanden från Lunds Geologisk-Mineralogiska Institution 100, 1–20.
Westergård, A.H., 1947: Nya data rörande alunskifferlagret på Öland [New data concerning the alum shale interval at Öland]. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning C 483, 1–12.
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